SIMPUR, Imperial Cashmere Mattress, All Measurements, Height 25 Cm, 11 Comfort Zones, Medium/High Hardness, Reversible, Orthopedic, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Grand Class mattress, all size, height 30 cm, 11 comfort zones, memory foam, extremely durable, temperature self regulation, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Royal Top mattress, all size, height 30 Cm, foam, memory foam, medium/high firmness, comfort, high-end, support high durability, mattresses, 135x190, 150x190, 90x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Bio Thermal mattress, all size, height 30Cm, foam, viscoelastic, natural Cashmere fibers, high grammage padded fabric, ergonomic, orthopedic, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Supreme Elixir mattress, all measures, great comfort, height 30 cm, breathable 100%, thermoregulation, 11 comfort zones, Reversible, orthopedic, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR, Mattress Dream Repair, Height 30 Cm, Foam, Viscoelastic, All Measurements, Medium/High Firmness, 13 Comfort Zones, Ergonomic,, 135x190,150x190,90x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, BioGreen mattress, all size, height 30 CM, Natural therapy Relax, firmness and adaptability, hypoallergenic 100%, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Dame Nuit mattress, all sizes, spring bagged, height 25, silent, morphological support with progressive firmness, very high ventilation, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Elegance mattress, high-end, all sizes, height 30cm, springs, bagging, high density, 11 comfort zones, independence of beds, orthopedic, mattresses, 135x190, 150x190, 90x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Crystal Royalty mattress, all sizes, height 30 Cm, foam, viscoelastic, Total independence of beds, ergonomic, anatomical, 11 comfort zones, mattresses, 135x190, 150x190, 90x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, comfort Real mattress, all measurements, height 25 cm, foam, memory foam, Reversible, multilayer system, 9 rest areas, mattresses, 135x190, 150x190, 90x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Visco Ergo mattress, all sizes, height 19 cm, Reversible, foam, memory foam, 7 rest areas, independence beds, mattresses, 135x190, 150x190, 90x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, self-cooling mattress, all size, height 19 CM, foam, memory foam, orthopedic, ergonomic, anatomical, Reversible, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Bliss mattress, all size, height 30 CM, memory foam, high durability, luxury finishes, excellent comfort, carbon-Soft therapy, atermal 100%, mattresses, 90x190, 135x190, 150x190
SIMPUR LOW COST, Magestic mattress, high-end, all sizes, springs, bagging, height 30 cm, independence of beds, Reversible, orthopedic, mattresses, 135x190, 150x190, 90x190