ESP8266 ATmega328P IOT Development Board Module for Arduino IDE Learning NRF24L01 LED RGB DHT11 LCD1602 HC-06 HC-SR04 DS1307

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Real Time Clock Electronic Component, 24C32 Memory, Tiny RTC I2C Chip, 5PCs, DS1307

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Raspberry Pi RTC DS1307 module Not with button battery

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Arduino Tiny Rtc I2c Ds1307 [Arduino Compatible]

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10PCS DS1307ZN DS1307Z SOP8 DS1307 SOP SMDnew and Original

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DS1307 AT24C32 Tiny RTC Module High Precision RTC Module Real Time Clock Module Memory Board for Arduino AVR

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10PCS DS1307 DS1302 1302 1307 DIP-8 Real Time Clock 64x8 Serial I2C RTC

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DS3231 AT24C32 IIC Module DS1302 Precision Clock Module DS1307 Memory module mini module Real Time 3.3V/5V For Raspberry Pi

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1PCS New Arrival AT24C32 Real Time Clock RTC I2C DS1307 Module for AVR ARM PIC 51 ARM Promotion

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DS1302/DS1307/PCF8563/DS3231 AT24C32 I2C IIC Memory 3.3V-5V Real Time Precision RTC Clock I2C Module DS3231SN for Arduino

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TZT Esp8266 D1 Mini Pro Wifi Nodemcu Data Logger Shield Ds1307 Battery 0.66 Oled Dc Power Buzzer V1.0.0 Dual Base For Wemos

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I2C RTC DS1307 AT24C32 Real Time Clock Module For AVR ARM PIC Tiny RTC I2C modules memory DS1307 Clock

👍: 97.0%


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